Control Structures :
Write a C# program to find the
sum of ‘n’ numbers.
Write a C# program to check
whether a given number is prime or not.
Write a C# program to find the
sum of all digits of a given number.
Write a C# program to generate
even numbers between a given range.
Write a C# program to find the
factorial of a given number.
Write a C# program to calculate
the binomial coefficient.(nCr)
Write a C# program to generate the Fibonacci series.
One Dimensional Arrays :
Write a C# program to find the
maximum and minimum value of ‘n’ given
Write a C# program to sort an
array in ascending order.
Write a C# program to count the
number of positives, negatives and zeroes in an array.
Write a C# program to find the
sum of alternative numbers in a given array.
Write a C# program to search
for a given number in an array and display the number of occurrences of the
number if found.
Write a C# program to swap two
arrays of equal sizes.
Two Dimensional Arrays :
Write a C# program to perform matrix addition,
subtraction and multiplication.
Write a C# program to find the
transpose of a given matrix.
Write a C# program to find the
sum of all diagonal ,row, column elements of a given matrix.
Write a C# program to swap two
matrices of equal sizes.
Parameter Arrays :
Write a C# program to sort the given numbers
using parameter arrays.
Write a C# program to find the sum of odd and
even values using parameter arrays.
Collections :
Write a C# program to search
for a given word in a dictionary using collections.
Write a C# program to implement
stack operations using collection class.
Write a C# program to implement
queue operations using collection class.
Inheritance :
Write a C# program to prepare student’s mark
list using hybrid inheritance.
Write a C# program to prepare paybill for
employees using multilevel inheritance.
Interfaces :
Write a C# program to check
whether a given matrix is a sparse matrix or not using interface.
Write a C# program to check
whether a given matrix is an identity matrix or not using interface.
Write a C# program to find the
row sum, column sum and diagonal sum of a given matrix using interface.
Write a C# program to perform
arithmetic operations using interface.
Operator Overloading :
Write a C# program to perform
matrix addition and subtraction using operator overloading.
Write a C# program to perform
complex number addition using operator overloading.
Write a C# program to add two
time objects with hours and minutes fields using operator overloading.
Exception Handling :
Write a C# program to add only
positive numbers in an array using exception handling.
Write a C# program to implement
the following exceptions :
- Division By Zero Exception
- Format Exception
- Index Out of Range Exception
- Argument Out of Range Exception
- User Defined Exception
Form Controls :
Write a C# program to perform
arithmetic operations using button controls.
Write a C# program to move the
items from one list box to another list box.
Write a C# program to prepare
student’s mark list using form controls.
Write a C# program to prepare
EB bill using form controls.
Write a C# program to prepare Shopping
bill using form controls.
Write a C# program to prepare
Sweet Stall billing using Windows Application.
Menus :
Write a C# program to prepare
jewellery shop bill using menu and error provider control.
Write a C# program to perform
number conversion using menu. (decimal to binary, binary to decimal, decimal to
octal and octal to decimal)
Write a C# program to prepare
pay bill using menu and error provider control.
Write a C# program to prepare
hostel mess bill using menu and error provider control.
Using Database in Console
Application :
Write a C# program to prepare
student’s mark list using database.
Write a C# program to perform
bank transactions using database.
Using Database in Windows Application : (simple
Design a windows application to
manage library operations using simple binding.
Design a windows application to
maintain book shop inventory using simple binding.
Using Database in Windows
Application : (complex binding)
Design a windows application to
prepare EB BILL using complex binding.
Design a windows application to
maintain car details using complex binding.
Design a windows application to
prepare the in patient’s bill using complex binding.
Windows Applications and Database Programs
- Create a shopping database with relevant table and process the orders given by the users and prepare the bill for the items they purchased. Write a program to implement the task.
- An education institution invites application for admission for various courses. Candidates will enter the details through forms. The application should be processed and the accepted or rejected message is displayed to the candidate. Write a program to implement the above using Windows Application.
- INSYS, Authorized GRADUATE TALLY academy has the following features :
It gives Tally graduate course
material and Tally course graduate CD with fully functional and also option to
be listed on the TallyWeb for job opportunities in India and abroad. Write a program
for course registration to INSYS using Database.
- A library enters the details like book access number, book title, subject, author and publication. Only the librarian with username and password protection enters these details. Write a Program to do the above using database.
- A college maintains an information system with regard to the various courses offered, department, fees for each course, number of students admitted within a data base. Write a program to display about the course particulars if any user wants to know about it using windows application.
- Write a Windows application to implement Employee Pay slip details for a given basic pay. 40% of DA, 2% of HRA, 10% of CCA are all calculated from basic pay. Tax is calculated as 15% of basic pay and for LIC Rs.1000 is deducted.
- An education institution invites application for admission of various courses. Candidates will enter the details in the application form. The application should be processed and the accepted or rejected message displayed to the candidate. Condition for accepting the form is for UG, necessary qualification is +2 and PG minimum qualification is UG. Write a Windows Application program to implement the above.
- Nokia mobile shopping centre has all kinds of mobile phones and cellular, fax, billing machines, other essential accessories of mobiles. Write a Program with database to implement Nokia shopping centre billing.
- Election commission wanted to enroll the voter’s information. For register, the voter enters their name, house number, constituency, date of birth, occupation, etc. The voter data should be accepted only if age is above 18 and constituency name is correct. Write a windows application to implement the above process.
- An electricity board wants to computerize their billing system. Every month EB enters the consumer number, meter number, the OMR & CMR values into the consumer database. The reading can be viewed by entering the meter number. Display the chargeable unit and amount according to the conditions. Write a Windows Application to implement this.
- An education institution invites application for admission of various courses. Candidates will enter the details in the application form. The application should be processed and the accepted or rejected message displayed to the candidate. Condition for accepting the form is for UG, necessary qualification is +2 and PG minimum qualification is UG. Write a Windows Application program to implement the above.
- Write a program to store the registration details for an Intercollegiate competition conducted by your department. When user checks their status of the registration then display his/her information by getting the registration ID provided by your system using windows application.
- Define student info with the following details: Student name, application no, course applied, place and date of birth. Write a Windows application program to find the age of the student and display whether the student is eligible to join the course or not.
Age below 18 eligible to join any Diploma course as private
ii) 18<Age <21 eligible to
join UG course and iii) above 21 eligible to join PG course
- Create a registration form which is having input items : username, password, retypepassword, country(Listbox), City(Listbox), Hobbies(Check Boxes). Get the details from the form and display the contents in an attractive manner using Windows Application.
- Create a table with the following fields: consumer name, consumer number, telephone number, number of calls. Write a Program with database to prepare the Telephone bill for the given consumer. Charge should be calculated by the following conditions:
Calls Rate
100 Rs.
1.10 /call
150 Rs.
200 Rs.
Above Rs.
16. Create
a table called “Sales” with the following fields sales man name, sales man
number, location of sales, district, sales date, sales amount.
a program using database to calculate the commission for the given salesperson.
Commission should be calculated using the following conditions:
amount commission
5000 No
and <10000 5
% of sales
and <20000 7 %
of sales
and <30000 9%
of sales
Above 30000 11% of
- Create a table called “Bank” with the fields Account holder name, account number, address, account type (with/without cheque) and balance amount. Write a program with database to perform the bank transactions like deposit and withdrawal. The bank follows below criteria for their operations:
i. Minimum balance should be maintained
as Rs. 500/- for without cheque, Rs. 1000 for with cheque facility.
At a time maximum of Rs. 3000/- only
withdraw by the customer.
iii. Maximum of Rs. 50000/- only deposited by a person at a
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