Friday, 4 July 2014

C# String: English Word Prefix game

Write a C# program create a simple English Word Prefix game. The program starts the first two questions by asking the user to guess the answer of each question. The answers are collected and report is produced. The report should show a list of words, prefixes, and descriptions. See the sample screen shot below:
C# English word prefix gage
The program also allows the user to play the next words.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Projecttest
class Program

//main method
static void Main(string[] args)
//Declaring multi-dimensional array to store words, prefixes, and descriptions
//Each default answer is incorrect
//we store 4 works, 4 prefixes, and 4 default answers
string[,] terms=new string[4,3]; 
int row = 0;
terms[row, 0] = "substring";
terms[row, 1] = "sub";
terms[row, 2] = "incorrent";

terms[row, 0] = "hypertext";
terms[row, 1] = "hyper";
terms[row, 2] = "incorrent";


terms[row, 0] = "antivirus";
terms[row, 1] = "anti";
terms[row, 2] = "incorrent";


terms[row, 0] = "immutable";
terms[row, 1] = "im";
terms[row, 2] = "incorrent";
//play the first two words 
int numrows = 0;
playnext(terms, numrows );
//allow the user to play the next two words
Console.Write("Next? press y for next play:");
string next = Console.ReadLine();
if (next.CompareTo("y") == 0)
  Console.Clear();//clear screen
  playnext(terms, numrows);



static void playnext(string[,] terms, int rows)
Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tENGLISH WORD PREFIX GAME");
//collect answer and make comparison then update the array
for (int i = rows; i <rows+2 ; i++)
  Console.Write("What is the correct prefix of {0}:", terms[i, 0]);
  string ans = Console.ReadLine();
  if (terms[i, 1].ToLower().CompareTo(ans.ToString().ToLower()) == 0)
    terms[i, 2] = "correct";


//Print report
Console.WriteLine("CHECK YOUR ANSWERS");

for (int i = rows; i < rows+2; i++)
   for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
  Console.Write("{0}\t", terms[i, j]);



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