using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Projecttest
class Program
//Declare student structure
struct student
public string stnumber;
public string stname;
public string sex;
public float quizz1;
public float quizz2;
public float assigment;
public float midterm;
public float final;
public float total;
//main method
static void Main(string[] args)
student[] st = new student[20]; //create an array to store only 20 students'records for testing.
int itemcount = 0;
//show menu
int yourchoice;
string confirm;
Console.Write("Enter your choice(1-8):");
yourchoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (yourchoice)
case 1:add(st, ref itemcount); break;
case 2:delete(st, ref itemcount); break;
case 3:update(st, itemcount); break;
case 4:viewall(st, itemcount); break;
case 5:average(st, itemcount ); break;
case 6:showmax(st, itemcount); break;
case 7:showmin(st, itemcount); break;
case 8:find(st, itemcount); break;
case 9: bubblesort (st, itemcount); break;
default: Console.WriteLine("invalid"); break;
Console.Write("Press y or Y to continue:");
confirm = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
} while (confirm == "y" || confirm == "Y");
catch (FormatException f) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); }
//Menu contruction
static void displaymenu(){
Console.WriteLine(" MENU ");
Console.WriteLine(" 1.Add student records");
Console.WriteLine(" 2.Delete student records");
Console.WriteLine(" 3.Update student records");
Console.WriteLine(" 4.View all student records");
Console.WriteLine(" 5.Calculate an average of a selected student's scores");
Console.WriteLine(" 6.Show student who get the max total score");
Console.WriteLine(" 7.Show student who get the min total score");
Console.WriteLine(" 8.Find a student by ID");
Console.WriteLine(" 9.Sort students by TOTAL");
//method add/append a new record
static void add(student[] st,ref int itemcount){
Console.Write("Enter student's ID:");
st[itemcount].stnumber=Console.ReadLine().ToString() ;
Console.WriteLine("This ID already exists.");
goto Again;
Console.Write("Enter student's Name:");
st[itemcount].stname=Console.ReadLine ().ToString();
Console.Write("Enter student's Sex(F or M):");
Console.Write("Enter student's quizz1 score:");
Console.Write("Enter student's quizz2 score:");
Console.Write("Enter student's assigment score:");
Console.Write("Enter student's mid term score:");
Console.Write("Enter student's final score:");
//method to search for the location of the target record
static int search(student[] st, string id,int itemcount){
int found =-1;
for (int i = 0; i < itemcount && found==-1; i++)
if (st[i].stnumber == id) found=i;
else found=-1 ;
return found;
//method display all students' records
static void viewall(student[] st,int itemcount)
int i = 0;
Console.WriteLine("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-5}{3,-5}{4,-5}{5,-5}{6,-5}{7,-5}{8}(column index)", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8");
Console.WriteLine("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-5}{3,-5}{4,-5}{5,-5}{6,-5}{7,-5}{8,-5}", "ID", "NAME", "SEX", "Q1", "Q2", "As", "Mi", "Fi", "TOTAL");
while (i < itemcount)
if (st[i].stnumber !=null )
Console.Write("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-5}", st[i].stnumber, st[i].stname, st[i].sex);
i = i + 1;
// method to elete record
static void delete(student[] st, ref int itemcount)
string id;
int index;
if (itemcount > 0)
Console.Write("Enter student's ID:");
id = Console.ReadLine();
index = search(st, id.ToString(),itemcount);
if ((index!=-1) && (itemcount != 0))
if (index == (itemcount-1)) //delete the last record
clean(st, index);
Console.WriteLine("The record was deleted.");
else //delete the first or middle record
for (int i = index; i < itemcount-1; i++)
st[i] = st[i + 1];
clean(st, itemcount);
--itemcount ;
else Console.WriteLine("The record doesn't exist.Check the ID and try again.");
else Console.WriteLine("No record to delete");
//method ot update record
static void update(student[] st, int itemcount)
string id;
int column_index;
Console.Write("Enter student's ID:");
Console.Write("Which field you want to update(1-7)?:");
int index = search(st, id.ToString(),itemcount);
if ((index != -1) && (itemcount != 0))
if (column_index == 1)
Console.Write("Enter student's Name:");
st[index].stname = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
else if (column_index == 2)
Console.Write("Enter student's Sex(F or M):");
st[index].sex = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
else if (column_index == 3)
Console.Write("Enter student's quizz1 score:");
st[index].quizz1 = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else if (column_index == 4)
Console.Write("Enter student's quizz2 score:");
st[index].quizz2 = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else if (column_index == 5)
Console.Write("Enter student's assigment score:");
st[index].assigment = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else if (column_index == 6)
Console.Write("Enter student's mid term score:");
st[index].midterm = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else if (column_index == 7)
Console.Write("Enter student's final score:");
st[index].final = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else Console.WriteLine("Invalid column index");
st[index].total = st[index].quizz1 + st[index].quizz2 + st[index].assigment + st[index].midterm + st[index].final;
else Console.WriteLine("The record deosn't exits.Check the ID and try again.");
//method to calculate average score
static void average(student[] st, int itemcount)
string id;
float avg=0;
Console.Write("Enter students'ID:");
id = Console.ReadLine();
int index = search(st, id.ToString(),itemcount);
if (index != -1 && itemcount>0)
st[index].total = st[index].quizz1 + st[index].quizz2 + st[index].assigment + st[index].midterm + st[index].final;
avg = st[index].total /5;
Console.WriteLine("The average score is {0}.", avg);
//method to show max total score
static void showmax(student[] st, int itemcount)
float max = st[0].total;
int index=0;
if (itemcount >= 2)
for (int j = 0; j < itemcount-1; ++j)
if (max < st[j+1].total) {
max = st[j+1].total;
index = j+1;
else if (itemcount == 1)
index = 0;
max = st[0].total;
else Console.WriteLine("Not record found!");
if (index != -1) Console.WriteLine("The student with ID:{0} gets the highest score {1}.", st[index].stnumber, max);
//method to show min total score
static void showmin(student[] st, int itemcount)
float min = st[0].total;
int index = 0;
if (itemcount >= 2)
for (int j = 0; j < itemcount-1; ++j)
if (min > st[j+1].total)
min = st[j+1].total;
index = j+1;
else if (itemcount == 1)
index = 0;
min = st[0].total;
else Console.WriteLine("No record found!");
if (index != -1) Console.WriteLine("The student with ID:{0} gets the lowest score {1}.", st[index].stnumber, min);
//method to find record
static void find(student[] st, int itemcount)
string id;
Console.Write("Enter student's ID:");
int index=search(st,id.ToString(),itemcount);
if (index != -1)
Console.Write("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-5}", st[index].stnumber, st[index].stname, st[index].sex);
Console.Write("{0,-5}{1,-5}{2,-5}", st[index].quizz1, st[index].quizz2, st[index].assigment);
Console.Write("{0,-5}{1,-5}{2,-5}", st[index].midterm, st[index].final, st[index].total);
else Console.WriteLine("The record doesn't exits.");
//method to sort records by total score
static void bubblesort(student[] dataset, int n)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = n - 1; j > i; j--)
if (dataset[j].total < dataset[j - 1].total )
student temp = dataset[j];
dataset[j] = dataset[j - 1];
dataset[j - 1] = temp;
//method to clean deleted record
static void clean(student[] st,int index)
st[index].stnumber = null;
st[index].stname = null;
st[index].sex = null;
st[index].quizz1 = 0;
st[index].quizz2 = 0;
st[index].assigment = 0;
st[index].midterm = 0;
st[index].final = 0;
st[index].total = 0;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Projecttest
class Program
//Declare student structure
struct student
public string stnumber;
public string stname;
public string sex;
public float quizz1;
public float quizz2;
public float assigment;
public float midterm;
public float final;
public float total;
//main method
static void Main(string[] args)
student[] st = new student[20]; //create an array to store only 20 students'records for testing.
int itemcount = 0;
//show menu
int yourchoice;
string confirm;
Console.Write("Enter your choice(1-8):");
yourchoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (yourchoice)
case 1:add(st, ref itemcount); break;
case 2:delete(st, ref itemcount); break;
case 3:update(st, itemcount); break;
case 4:viewall(st, itemcount); break;
case 5:average(st, itemcount ); break;
case 6:showmax(st, itemcount); break;
case 7:showmin(st, itemcount); break;
case 8:find(st, itemcount); break;
case 9: bubblesort (st, itemcount); break;
default: Console.WriteLine("invalid"); break;
Console.Write("Press y or Y to continue:");
confirm = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
} while (confirm == "y" || confirm == "Y");
catch (FormatException f) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); }
//Menu contruction
static void displaymenu(){
Console.WriteLine(" MENU ");
Console.WriteLine(" 1.Add student records");
Console.WriteLine(" 2.Delete student records");
Console.WriteLine(" 3.Update student records");
Console.WriteLine(" 4.View all student records");
Console.WriteLine(" 5.Calculate an average of a selected student's scores");
Console.WriteLine(" 6.Show student who get the max total score");
Console.WriteLine(" 7.Show student who get the min total score");
Console.WriteLine(" 8.Find a student by ID");
Console.WriteLine(" 9.Sort students by TOTAL");
//method add/append a new record
static void add(student[] st,ref int itemcount){
Console.Write("Enter student's ID:");
st[itemcount].stnumber=Console.ReadLine().ToString() ;
Console.WriteLine("This ID already exists.");
goto Again;
Console.Write("Enter student's Name:");
st[itemcount].stname=Console.ReadLine ().ToString();
Console.Write("Enter student's Sex(F or M):");
Console.Write("Enter student's quizz1 score:");
Console.Write("Enter student's quizz2 score:");
Console.Write("Enter student's assigment score:");
Console.Write("Enter student's mid term score:");
Console.Write("Enter student's final score:");
//method to search for the location of the target record
static int search(student[] st, string id,int itemcount){
int found =-1;
for (int i = 0; i < itemcount && found==-1; i++)
if (st[i].stnumber == id) found=i;
else found=-1 ;
return found;
//method display all students' records
static void viewall(student[] st,int itemcount)
int i = 0;
Console.WriteLine("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-5}{3,-5}{4,-5}{5,-5}{6,-5}{7,-5}{8}(column index)", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8");
Console.WriteLine("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-5}{3,-5}{4,-5}{5,-5}{6,-5}{7,-5}{8,-5}", "ID", "NAME", "SEX", "Q1", "Q2", "As", "Mi", "Fi", "TOTAL");
while (i < itemcount)
if (st[i].stnumber !=null )
Console.Write("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-5}", st[i].stnumber, st[i].stname, st[i].sex);
i = i + 1;
// method to elete record
static void delete(student[] st, ref int itemcount)
string id;
int index;
if (itemcount > 0)
Console.Write("Enter student's ID:");
id = Console.ReadLine();
index = search(st, id.ToString(),itemcount);
if ((index!=-1) && (itemcount != 0))
if (index == (itemcount-1)) //delete the last record
clean(st, index);
Console.WriteLine("The record was deleted.");
else //delete the first or middle record
for (int i = index; i < itemcount-1; i++)
st[i] = st[i + 1];
clean(st, itemcount);
--itemcount ;
else Console.WriteLine("The record doesn't exist.Check the ID and try again.");
else Console.WriteLine("No record to delete");
//method ot update record
static void update(student[] st, int itemcount)
string id;
int column_index;
Console.Write("Enter student's ID:");
Console.Write("Which field you want to update(1-7)?:");
int index = search(st, id.ToString(),itemcount);
if ((index != -1) && (itemcount != 0))
if (column_index == 1)
Console.Write("Enter student's Name:");
st[index].stname = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
else if (column_index == 2)
Console.Write("Enter student's Sex(F or M):");
st[index].sex = Console.ReadLine().ToString();
else if (column_index == 3)
Console.Write("Enter student's quizz1 score:");
st[index].quizz1 = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else if (column_index == 4)
Console.Write("Enter student's quizz2 score:");
st[index].quizz2 = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else if (column_index == 5)
Console.Write("Enter student's assigment score:");
st[index].assigment = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else if (column_index == 6)
Console.Write("Enter student's mid term score:");
st[index].midterm = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else if (column_index == 7)
Console.Write("Enter student's final score:");
st[index].final = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
else Console.WriteLine("Invalid column index");
st[index].total = st[index].quizz1 + st[index].quizz2 + st[index].assigment + st[index].midterm + st[index].final;
else Console.WriteLine("The record deosn't exits.Check the ID and try again.");
//method to calculate average score
static void average(student[] st, int itemcount)
string id;
float avg=0;
Console.Write("Enter students'ID:");
id = Console.ReadLine();
int index = search(st, id.ToString(),itemcount);
if (index != -1 && itemcount>0)
st[index].total = st[index].quizz1 + st[index].quizz2 + st[index].assigment + st[index].midterm + st[index].final;
avg = st[index].total /5;
Console.WriteLine("The average score is {0}.", avg);
//method to show max total score
static void showmax(student[] st, int itemcount)
float max = st[0].total;
int index=0;
if (itemcount >= 2)
for (int j = 0; j < itemcount-1; ++j)
if (max < st[j+1].total) {
max = st[j+1].total;
index = j+1;
else if (itemcount == 1)
index = 0;
max = st[0].total;
else Console.WriteLine("Not record found!");
if (index != -1) Console.WriteLine("The student with ID:{0} gets the highest score {1}.", st[index].stnumber, max);
//method to show min total score
static void showmin(student[] st, int itemcount)
float min = st[0].total;
int index = 0;
if (itemcount >= 2)
for (int j = 0; j < itemcount-1; ++j)
if (min > st[j+1].total)
min = st[j+1].total;
index = j+1;
else if (itemcount == 1)
index = 0;
min = st[0].total;
else Console.WriteLine("No record found!");
if (index != -1) Console.WriteLine("The student with ID:{0} gets the lowest score {1}.", st[index].stnumber, min);
//method to find record
static void find(student[] st, int itemcount)
string id;
Console.Write("Enter student's ID:");
int index=search(st,id.ToString(),itemcount);
if (index != -1)
Console.Write("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-5}", st[index].stnumber, st[index].stname, st[index].sex);
Console.Write("{0,-5}{1,-5}{2,-5}", st[index].quizz1, st[index].quizz2, st[index].assigment);
Console.Write("{0,-5}{1,-5}{2,-5}", st[index].midterm, st[index].final, st[index].total);
else Console.WriteLine("The record doesn't exits.");
//method to sort records by total score
static void bubblesort(student[] dataset, int n)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = n - 1; j > i; j--)
if (dataset[j].total < dataset[j - 1].total )
student temp = dataset[j];
dataset[j] = dataset[j - 1];
dataset[j - 1] = temp;
//method to clean deleted record
static void clean(student[] st,int index)
st[index].stnumber = null;
st[index].stname = null;
st[index].sex = null;
st[index].quizz1 = 0;
st[index].quizz2 = 0;
st[index].assigment = 0;
st[index].midterm = 0;
st[index].final = 0;
st[index].total = 0;
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